Word of Grace Ministries Inc.


Go to the Nations

Please go their website for more information at https://gotonations.org/missionary/lfamily

The “least of these” and missions have always been the twin passions of the Landis family. They pioneered a Go to the Nations project in the Philippines for nine years called Camp Sonshine Center
Foundation. This ministry reaches out to the urban poor and gives them hope. After transitioning the leadership to local Filipinos, Jesse and Kay focused their energies in expanding the international
organization of Camp Sonshine before taking on the roles of mobilizers and trainers at Christ for the Nations Institute, in Dallas, TX, where Jesse equipped and sent students through the Global Missions Major.

Their following assignment was as missionaries is in the Middle East, helping to lead a team and develop a ministry geared to the Syrian refugees in Cyprus. By partnering with the Landis’, you are tangibly supporting the mission of the Church, helping to expand hope to the nations, and advancing of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Hogar del Nino “El Buen Samaritano”

This Home for the children is located in San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic and for the last 18 years has provided room and board for a large number of children many of whom are orphans,
along with education, healthcare , sports and musical classes. The center also ministers to the children of the community by donating clothing, school equipment and other necessities.

Helping Hands (Harrisburg, PA

Please go their website for more information at https://helpinghandsministries.org

Word of Grace has been sponsoring Helping Hands for over 26 years. Helping Hands is an outreach ministry in the city of Harrisburg
for the homeless, the downtrodden, and other needy people. Through hot meals, they reach out to the poor with a love and care
that is so often missing yet desperately wanting in their lives. Anyone in need of a hot meal or encouragement is welcomed.

Sonshine Ministries (Loysville, PA)

Please go their website for more information at https://sonshineministriespa.org

Sonshine Ministries is a ministry for men to renew their minds, body & souls and to empower them to return to society to become productive citizens, devoted husbands, and committed friends and
neighbors. The ministry consists of three phases. Each phase consists of a minimum of four to six months for completion.

Faith Life Missions

Email – faithlifemissions@gmail.com

“Inspiring the Body of Christ”

Dr. David Kandole, Executive Director. For the last 27 years God has raised and established him as a prophetic voice to the nations with special grace to release breakthrough anointing in lives of people, families, churches, and market place groups. He and his wife Grace reside in Lancaster, PA.

Moldova Harvest

We support Evangelist Karen Zelfimyan working in Moldova and Ukraine.

Word of Grace Ministries Inc.